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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 1, 2024

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
Leading an active life will keep you in excellent shape and in good health. Tight control over expenditure is needed now. Enjoying time out together will help bring the family closer. Don’t drive if you are not in the right state of mind. Networking is likely to get you placed on the social front. This is the right time to spell out your ideas if you want them implemented.
Love Focus: Someone you secretly desire may give positive indications and make your day!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Blue
You can be motivated by someone to switch to a healthier lifestyle. The escalating cost of a project will need to be kept in check. Family life will prove most fulfilling as you find everyone supportive. Frequent travellers will need to cater to the weather to remain fit. You may need to extend full support to someone trying to get on his or her own two feet.
Love Focus: Romantic bonds are set to grow stronger through mutual love and care.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Green
Good results are likely to be reaped from your fitness regimen. Mounting expenses can compel you to search for newer ways of making money. Your positive outlook will help in making home a happy place. Someone may pile on to you for a journey that you are undertaking. You can devote quality time to your near and dear ones on the social front.
Love Focus: Sharing intimate moments with your lover will be most rejuvenating.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Light Red
Your own efforts will help keep you fit and energetic. Don’t implement anything unless you are certain of its financial implications. A family reunion is on the cards and promises to be enjoyable. You may opt out of a planned out-of-town trip. Your power of motivation promises to get many volunteers for a social cause. Support from someone close will help keep your mood buoyant.
Love Focus: Some of you may become bold enough to approach the one you secretly love.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Purple
Health-wise, you are likely to feel at the top of the world. Keeping home expenses to a minimum may prove to be an uphill task. Your desire to meet your near and dear ones may be fulfilled soon. You may be asked to be a part of an exciting trip that someone is organising. Handling a contentious issue seems a tall order, but you will manage it somehow. Your well-wishers may force you into something beneficial.
Love Focus: You will be much more accepting of someone’s romantic interest in you.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Fitness training holds much promise for the lazy among you. Conserving money will be important at this juncture. Changes on the domestic front will keep you in a buoyant mood today. An advantage lurks in contacting an influential person now. You may remain tense regarding someone close today. Organising a function or inviting someone over is possible today.
Love Focus: A long-term relationship may end with wedding bells for those in love.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Light Yellow
Good health is assured as you resolve to shake a leg. Don’t invest in any scheme without going into the details. A happy demeanour is likely to brighten the domestic front. You can travel to someplace secluded just to let your hair down. Be just and rational in deciding so that you are not accused of unfair play. There is nothing that is difficult for you, but time may remain at a premium.
Love Focus: You can have a soft corner for someone you feel attracted to in the workplace.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Pink
Today, you may feel much more energetic than before. Money spent on a major item will be money well spent. You endear yourself to parents and family elders by doing their bidding. You may get the opportunity to travel somewhere you want to go. You may need to keep a step ahead of your competitors. Helping someone out may remain at the topmost of your mind.
Love Focus: Those craving for love will not have to wait too long, as love comes with a calling!
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: White
Someone competent is likely to be found by those with a medical problem. Retailers and service providers will find their cash registers ringing. A family youngster is likely to add to your prestige by his or her good showing. Travel promises better opportunities as you resolve to follow every lead. You may be much sought after on the social front today. An important matter that you had forgotten may surface and put you in a spot.
Love Focus: Romantic endeavours of those looking for love are certain to bear fruit.
Lucky Number:8
Lucky Colour: Magenta
Health problems dogging you for a long is set to disappear soon. You will manage to curtail expenditure by instituting some austerity measures. You may undertake a long journey with someone close. There is much happening on the family front that can keep you thoroughly entertained today. If you want someone’s support, get him or her to your side.
Love Focus: Someone is likely to come near to your heart, even as no words are exchanged!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Orange
You are likely to keep fit by keeping yourself active. Some of you may be on the verge of starting a new construction. An initiative taken on the social front gets mixed responses. You can become a part of a fun trip being organized by a friend. Money will not be a problem anymore as you start to earn well.
Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours are likely to bear fruit as the one you like warms up to you.
Lucky Number:5
Lucky Colour: Peach
Your changed mental attitude will have a positive fallout on the health front. Salary and perks curtailed previously are likely to be restored. You are likely to welcome the change that has been initiated at home. Those planning a long journey will find things going smoothly. Spiritually-minded are likely to follow some traditional religious rites today.
Love Focus: A new dimension is likely to be added on the romantic front to
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Silver
